Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What's New After Raya?

Not much! The lab work resumes as usual after Hari Raya with so many seed pods to be sown. Hj Naza made another media for flasking - can't remember what number. Reflasking work is also in progress and now I realize that additional staff to do the reflasking work may be needed in near future.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Visitors from Switzerland

Roland and his friend, orchid nursery owner and collectors, came to Malaysia collecting miniature orchids from jungle in Cameron Highland. They dropped by at Hj Naza's house to look around for interesting bulbos. Next destination is to Sabah. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Revising Quotation and Confirming Orchid Species for Tambak Sari

As promised, Marni sent us the new garden plan and we worked out on Sunday morning to finalize the list of species to be used. The original quotation figures remain the same but we had adjusted the number of plants and also introduced new species. A total of about 100 species (including 3 hybrids) were sent to Marni to be confirmed. Hopefully everything will be fine and we can start collecting and gathering the plants soonest possible!

Orchid Garden landscape with proposed trees during the meeting
Many original species were adjusted to give space to new ones