Monday, February 27, 2012

Orchid Shipment from Indonesia

A tiring day today. Not because of the lab work but because of traveling around. I planned to hike but end up driving the car to the top of the so called 'Gunung Tampin'.. haha. It is not a mountain but a hill! Then, end up swimming at Lubuk Petai located at Gunung Dato, Bongek, Rembau.

But.. what I want to tell about is the plants that we ordered from Sumatra, Indonesia. These are plants that we will selected the good ones and use as mother plants - to produce seed pods for our future protocorms. It was about couple of months planning to bring in the orchids to Malaysia. The seller, Mr Afton has finally sent the shipment thru flight and it arrived in the morning. I had to pick the boxes (2) from a person who worked at KLIA. I was so excited as I expected to see few orchids of interests such as D. ayubii, D. tobaense (a giant flower of about 4 inches), V. foetida and V. sumatrana.

The boxes were quite heavy (~50 kg) and the shipment cost was about RM820. Well, better to ship by boat next time as it is much cheaper ~RM200. I arrived at Hj Naza house at 9 pm and we started unpacking the plants. The bill... ops, RM3,856.36! about Rp10 million, my goodness!

Picked up few plants that nite and went back happily... Look at this Dendrobium tobaense, the size is much bigger than the usual one!