Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Selecting Electrical Contractor

Sozian called me today to confirm its quotation. Inclusive of air cond 1 horsepower - RM3,000 and negotiable. Err.. I need to calculate first. Jo gave me RM1,800 without air condition and that is included of DB and rewiring at the main house. If air conditioner is included, than it seems Jo's offer is better. So, who shall i choose? The electrical work includes;

- wiring connection from Hj Naza house to the lab
- 11 plug points
- 18 fluorescent light
- 6 switches
- 1 DB 

Problem with Renovation Worker

I saw few missed call from unregistered person in my hp. I didn't bother to call back till late evening. It was Zainol, the person who did the renovation work. He was babbling about not getting paid as what I had promised him before. I was a bit pissed off and asked him how much he has received till now. He said about RM6,ooo, but I didn't believe it. I called Hj and asked him how much he had paid him.. ALL - RM7,500!  Fortunately Hj Naza put it in writing and Zainol signed it whenever he took the money. So what's wrong with this guy? Nevertheless, I said I'll meet him tomorrow evening.

For record purposes, Zainol had asked me RM8,000 for this renovation project. I disagreed and I asked for only RM7,000 by cutting down few works i.e. garage. He did not object and later asked for first payment before starting the work. Only when the work is nearly completed, he made a remark on how much I should add for the additional works (additional works according to him was for changing the new wooden window panel (~RM200) and fixing a new shelf (~RM100). For these additional works alone he asked for about RM1,000 more. Ridiculous!

Lesson learnt ; make sure to get quotation before buying or going into any contract! agree with the person on the job specifications and stick with it! Else, you will be trapped into their game! Let see how much I've paid him...

1st payment - RM2,000
2nd, 3rd and 4th payment - total RM4,5000
5th payment - RM500
6th @ final payment - RM500

Ordering of Laminar Air Flow from ERLA

Finally.. I better ordered the LAF. This is too long already! I should have started ordering it early this month!  Dr. Mihza also has forwarded another quotation from Elit something2 and it's also expensive. Thus, I have decided to order from ERLA. I simply wrote on the quotation of my confirmation and faxed it to Mikhail.

There it is! RM8,345 alone for the LAF inclusive of transport and additional accessories of 1 plug point. Mikhail received the quotation and called me back. 

M - Bro.. send us the PO. We want to order from our factory'. 
H - Perghh.. mana ada PO Mikhail.. This is a small company and I don't have those
      thing. Just send me the invoice la! 
M - Ok lah...
Haha..  he said will do and the rest of the items he will confirm it with his boss who is hospitalized at Dubai.. Rotavirus! Aikk.. how come? Well, so many foreigners in Dubai and surely this third world disease spreads easily there! Poor him...