Sunday, September 30, 2012

Meeting Mr Muhammad & Dr. Yusof - Green Hexagon

We met this guy at Putrajaya at 11 am and listened to what he proposed. He is looking for a local middleman to assist him to export orchid cuttings to hotel in Egypt. After discussing few possibilities on what we can do, we shall meet and bring some sample of orchid cuttings for him to see!

In the afternoon we went to Mr. Nam Fook's house looking at his orchid collections! Got some bulbos and few others as souvenirs...

Late evening, we went to Bukit Changgang to collect sample of cuttings for Mr. Muhammad. Since it was late Sunday evening, Wah Sang was closed. We ended up at Hexagon Green and met Dr. Yusof and his wife Dr. We had a long discussion and finally invited him to meet Mr. Muhammad tomorrow at Putrajaya again.