Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Preparing Culture Medium No 09 (M09)

'Helmi.. I want to prepare medium no 9. You want to see how?'.. Oh yeah! In less than 10 minutes I arrived at Hj Naza's house. But firstly I checked the delivery order from Mikail. Seems everything is there!

Medium no. 09 will be used to germinate seeds and for growth of bulbophyllum and phalaenopsis. Ingredients used include fruits and vegetables such as banana, apple, potato and tomato. Seems like we are going to make cookies again...

The 'secret' recipe
Fresh fruits
Some potatoes
Activated charcoal
N63 fertilizer
All these items will be blended together tomorrow. After that, it will be cooked and adjusted for the right ph. Finally, it will be filled into the bottles/flasks and then the same cycle (autoclave) will be performed. Germination process will be conducted 3-5 days later after ensuring that there is no contamination on this medium. Usually, there will be 10-15% chances of contamination for every batch of medium. Thus, cleanliness of the lab must be given the highest priority.