Saturday, May 5, 2012

Surveying Refrigerator

I went to Seremban this evening to survey suitable fridge to keep extra medium. Hmm.. my budget is around RM1,000. I'll ask Hj Naza to choose one this coming Monday.


Sub Order from Dr. Zainal

Hj. Naza has asked Dr. Zainal, his good friend @ Medical Director at General Hospital Melaka to purchase few chemicals from his usual vendor. Perhaps he can get them cheaper than Mikail. He sent me email on the items that he has purchased. Yes they were much cheaper than ERLA! I know because ERLA does not specialize in selling chemical items. Total items purchased is 4 and total cost is RM415.00

4 items ordered!

Tiling Work in the Lab

The floor in the lab is dusty due to poor workmanship. Actually, it is supposed to be tiled earlier but I was just trying to save budget - I am a cheapskate, hahaha. But sometimes what people say is true - if you need to spend once for necessary things, just do it! Else there will be problems later that can mess up many things.

So the tiling work was done by Ah Fat and his workers. They just took 3 hours to complete tiling the area 10x12 feet. Total cost spent - RM800. This is how it looks like..

35 tiles 2x2 were used
Last tile...