Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Purchased of Refrigerator

RM850 for refrigerator! That's how much we have to pay for this 'Samseng' brand, hehe. However, Hj Naza managed to negotiate the price from RM999. He purchased the fridge from Nam Hong this morning.

Samsung brand - RM850

Flasking Works Started!

Tonight we started our flasking work in the lab. Not much but just sowing the orchid seed on the media prepared last Sunday. We sow the spore of D. echinolabium and managed to get few flasks. From these flask, the spore will germinate into protocorm and then become plantlets. Later the plantlets will be reflasked and grow into seedlings before being taken out to grow as  mature plant! Just imagine how much time taken to do all these works... definitely we need full-time workers and bigger workspace later!

p/s - Mikail came in the morning to set the autoclave and taught Hj Naza how to use it. He would come back tonight to send Ethanol - that's it? Where are the other orders?

Some of the orchid spore saved for germination process
The spore can produce thousands of plantlets
Preparation of flasking work
Sowing spore on the media
The spore will form protocorm
Another bottle
We'll see how it grows in a couple of days
Once completed, the flask will be sealed again
Proper labeling is important to avoid confusion
Hj Naza at work
That's me! an apprentice