Friday, March 16, 2012

Registering New Company

Since the very beginning, I have been thinking on how to go about this business. I had discussed with Hj Naza on my concerns in regards to day-to-day running of the business. This include, establishing a new Sdn Bhd company, agreement on partnership and model of the business. All these sound heavy, ain't it?

In regards to company names, Hj Naza has made a suggestion that the company to be named that reflect Islamic values. Err.. I feel it is so typical, not that catchy and does not transcend international border. Maybe I am right or wrong but why not something natural and meaningful? Yeah, it sounds easy but actually until today I have not decided the name yet!.. haha

And just for fun, I wrote down in my Excel file... 

M&N Biotech Lab Sdn Bhd                          
Plant Biotech Lab Sdn Bhd                           
Green Biotech Lab Sdn Bhd                        
Agro Biotech Lab Sdn Bhd                           
M&N Orchid Lab and Nursery Sdn Bhd                                                  
M&N Biotech Sdn Bhd                                                                                  
Premier Agro Biotech Sdn Bhd                                                  
M&N Orchid Lab Sdn Bhd                                                            
Agri-Lab Sdn Bhd                                                             
M&N Flori-Biotech Lab sdn bhd                                                  
Agro Tissue Culture Lab Sdn Bhd                              
Premier Agro-Lab Sdn Bhd                          
Agro Biotech and Landscaping Sdn Bhd                 
Premier Biotech and Landscaping Sdn Bhd

Aaah! All sound crap!.. I need timeeeee.... 


One might wonder 'why a Sdn Bhd company?' I want to start fresh, new account, new book because it is easy to maintain. Kama Nursery is already there for years and yes it has its own customers. But it has no sentimental value to me. Furthermore, the focus of Kama Nursery and the new company will be different although both will compliment each other until perhaps a day where one may overtake the other.