Friday, August 14, 2015

Opening a Bank Account

How easy to open a company bank account?...

Seems easy but the tricky part is if the bank asks for 'company license'. For the license, it has to be registered first with the Majlis.. you know the hassle, 10 pages form with all the details bla3.. ridiculous rules and regulations. if everything needs to be complied, then how come they are so many businesses just open by the roadside, house compound etc? 

Bank Islam and Bank Rakyat does not require the license but enough with the SSM Registration and copy of IC + the form (CIMB bank needs it or if not available then not a recommendation from another company is required). It will take at least 2 days to verify with Bank Negara (3 things - CTOS, ??, ??). That is difficult compared to years ago..

Once verified, a deposit of RM1,000 is needed then.. congratulations! you can start the transaction.

But then.. is it Bank Islam? CIMB or Bank Rakyat? Hmmm...