Monday, August 15, 2016

Meeting the Bellina..

It is a planned trip with Kak Asnah to visit Ewaldus Henny at Sanggau, Pontianak. From Kuching we took EVA to Sanggau (11am - 3.30pm) on Friday. Upon arriving at his house, we selected whatever orchids available. What I am looking for is actually the bellinas since they are native to Kapuas area. They grow near the rivers/streams in a damp condition. Other phalaenopsis available include corningiana, pantherina, cornu cervi and fuscata. Not much of bulbos but we also took the aeolium, cuspidipetalum, a no id bulbo and few others. Went back to Kuching by 11.30pm bus and arrived at Kuching at 7++ am the next day.