Sunday, September 30, 2012

Meeting Mr Muhammad & Dr. Yusof - Green Hexagon

We met this guy at Putrajaya at 11 am and listened to what he proposed. He is looking for a local middleman to assist him to export orchid cuttings to hotel in Egypt. After discussing few possibilities on what we can do, we shall meet and bring some sample of orchid cuttings for him to see!

In the afternoon we went to Mr. Nam Fook's house looking at his orchid collections! Got some bulbos and few others as souvenirs...

Late evening, we went to Bukit Changgang to collect sample of cuttings for Mr. Muhammad. Since it was late Sunday evening, Wah Sang was closed. We ended up at Hexagon Green and met Dr. Yusof and his wife Dr. We had a long discussion and finally invited him to meet Mr. Muhammad tomorrow at Putrajaya again.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Bohey Dulang Island, Semporna

2012.. how many times I went to Sabah? maybe 4/5 trips.. hehe. The view from on top of Bohey Dulang Island is SUPERB! well.. just that is was hazy during my trip here.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Calling from Potential Client

I received phone call from this guy named Mr. Muhammad, insisting to meet him to discus on supplying orchid cuttings to Middle East. Though I am not keen but what the heck! Let's meet!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Save the Planet! - The Ugly Cost of 'Development'

Mr. Kali called us to come to CH. There was an illegal clearing of the jungle near Jabatan Hutan, Cameron Highland. Can you imagine that! What they were doing when this thing happen under their nose? We went to the area... and surely 'saving' as many as we can these 'cool, highland' orchids..

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tambak Sari Called for Nursery Visit

Called Marni today to confirm her invitation to visit a nursery for selection of trees at Yong Peng, Johor. I can't remember the name of the nursery but she said they have reduced the number of trees to be puchased. Aikkk... that means the place will have less shade and surely hot in the afternoon. Since I can't make it during weekdays, I asked whether we can visit the nursery and tag the trees that we want. She said ok and will email me the trees details later. Hj Naza has no problem with that and thus, further arrangement will be made for this trip.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Visit to Hourai

We went for jungle trekking at Cheras, KL. People call it Bukit Apek - no wonder they call that name 'coz many 'ah moi' and 'ah pek' climb this hill on weekend. The trip was easy but damn it took 5 hours to and fro. Norli said only 1-2 hours! What a lie...

In the afternoon we went to visit Hourai and looking around his nursery. Nothing special but to ask list of his current protocorm for future exchange. Reen will email the list later. Some flowering orchids at their nursery-