Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Submission of Name Plate (Tag) and New Softscape Design

Finally, I submitted the name plates of the orchid to Marni. It will be printed and tag to the plants accordingly. Marni mentioned that there are few changes to the site i.e. no more fountain and less matured plants will be planted. Aduuuhh, got no budget ka? Here's the new layout...

New Design

Thursday, October 18, 2012

News From Tambak Sari

Marni called to verify final quotation and appointment letter as consultant for the project. She will email the copy of the letter later. We talked about the preparation of the site and when the selected plants to be delivered on site. Marni sent photo of the site and it seems that the work is quite slow. She said that we can enter the site for planting as early as November 2012.

Actual site as at October 2012

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Meeting with Mr. Muhammad

We met again Mr. Muhammad at Putrajaya at 8 pm. Dr Yusof called to say they would be late. We had a chit chat with him before Dr. Yusof arrive. When Dr. Yusof arrived, I introduced him to Dr, and he was quite disappointed that no samples were brought tonight. Nevertheless, Dr Yusof handled it professionally and things went smoothly afterwards.

Mr. Muhammad agreed to visit Dr. Yusof farm tomorrow and will decide how to go about it. Since it was better this way (for Dr. Yusof to deal directly with him), he thanked us for introducing Mr Muahmmad to them. Inshaallah, there will be 'business' for us later...