Sunday, March 29, 2015

I Found It! Bulbophyllum mastersianum In Situ

Remember Bulbophyllum mastersianum from the earlier post? I am so eager to see it insitu. During the Chemerong trip, I called Br. Fatah and asked him to wander around in the jungle in Gua Musang. The trip was a success. I finally managed to record the 'unrecorded' mastersianum in Peninsular Malaysia.


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Trip to Chemerong Waterfall, Dungun

I had a day trip to Chemerong, Ganu Kite with a few UPM Masters students who are looking for few orchid specimens. They are looking for Spathoglottis aurea and Paphiopedilum. We managed to find them all..


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Order from Rimbaflora

Few plants for future use...

Cattleya quadricolor
Cattleya hibrid
Sobralia sp

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Bulbophyllum mastersianum from Gua Musang

On the way back from Dabong, I dropped by at Paloh and met Kamarul who collected orchid species from the nearby jungle. What make me really want to go is to pick up few specimens of mastersianum which is rarely collected from Peninsular Malaysia. I hope to get some more in the future. Also got from him herbal plants - 'Tunjang Bumi' and "Raja Satong'