Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Call for Teaching - MPU3212

"Helmi, can you teach entrepreneurship subject?"
"Well, I can.."

I used to teach management subject at IIUM before. So teaching entrepreneurship may not be difficult after all. In fact, i am eager to teach so that I can impart my, well.. not so successful entrepreneurship story yet.. hihi   

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Meeting of Masters

Nope! It is not about mastersianum again, haha. It is a meeting of my 2 masters, Haji Naza and Abg Nuar. Abg Nuar attended Betta competition yesterday and today spending time at Seremban meeting Hj Naza at his house. We talked about a lot of things and he brought back a cutting of annandalei and few orchid flasks.