Friday, May 29, 2015

There is No Better Underwater Place than Semporna!

It feels like this is a goodbye trip for the year. Filani has been transferred to Sibu early of the year and Yusran is quite busy with his business nowadays. I guess there is no hope for assistance from him.. for the moment! :(

We met at KK on Thursday night and drove straight to Kudat. Next day, from Kudat we use short cut from Kota Marudu - Pitas - Beluran and straight to Semporna. It was a long journey. The rest of the days we spent at Pulau Larapan. Yes, my wish is fulfilled!  I ask for no more.. I love Sabah!

Goodbye for now, Larapan and Semporna!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Orchid Hunting - Cameron Jungle

There is only one orchid that I am highly anticipated to find - Bulbophyllum virescen 'Red' - something that has not been seen before. Me and Hj Naza have talked about it for so long and finally after more than 10 years, we are going to explore and check whether the plant is still there or not. 

We met Mr. Kali and started our journey to a remote place somewhere in Pahang. After trekking for about 3 hours on the second day, we scouted the area and only managed to find many yellow virescen with spikes - perhaps within a week will bloom!

On the 3rd day, before packing our stuff to go back, I scouted the area once more and lo and behold! 
I FOUND IT!... it was amazing!

I am very sure this is the plant. The old clump/colony is 2 feet below the upper leaves
Old photo taken 10 years ago
The clean river is where we are heading to
Beautiful waterfall on the upper part of the river
Mr Kaliyanan, Hj Naza and me