Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hellooo.. I Am Still Waiting!

Aargghh.. Mikhail said he can only give the quotation of lab equipment today. The LAF will only be ready by next week. Seems my schedule has to be pushed forward...

In business, delay means loss! If the operation has started in March, for example, the company could have generated revenue as projected. Businessman should be very concerned on 'delay' as this will affect a lot of things. Now due to this, the company has incurred loss for one month!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Where's My Order?!

We are supposed to receive orders by this week. I really hope we will receive all the items so that operation can start 1st week of April. But Mikhail has not answering my phone call. I called ERLA and a lady answered my call. She confirmed only 1 order made so far that was for the LAF. How about autoclave and other equipments? 

Huh.. I told her that their price is good but the service is bad! So slow to respond to customers requests. I think I will not making orders from ERLA anymore.

Lesson learnt - Cheap thing will never always be good! Usually crap!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ordering Remaining Lab Equipment

Forwarded to Mikail list of remaining lab equipment and chemical for quotation. Hmm.. I wonder how long he will respond to my request? Below are items that I am looking for;

A. Glassware

Petri dish
300 ml
Cylinder for measurement
Forceps - different size scalpel, and scalpel blade

 B. Chemical

Please propose
Cooper Sulphate
Teepol And Tween 20
Ferric Tartrate
Buffer Solution
Activated Charcoal
Hydrochloric Acid HCL
Filter Paper

Chemical For Adjust Ph To Alkaline

 I bet I will never get it by next week!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Collecting Old Lab Items...

This afternoon I went to Hj Naza house to help him moving out some old lab equipment. These items were in his old house at the foothill of Bukit Taboh. There were quite many items left such as LAF (Astec brand), a modified LAF made from fish aquarium, chemicals, glassware, books and etc. We took the important ones and left the rest behind. We will take them later. Also we took with us a computer table, plastic chairs and cupboard.

Gift of the day - Vanda Sanderiana keiki. I can't remember how old but I've been eyeing for that since 4 years ago! Hj also gave me Coryanthes bruchmuelleri, a beautiful orchid from South America!

In December 2011
In March 2012
With its mom...
Flowering in July 2011 - 3 spikes!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Registering New Company

Since the very beginning, I have been thinking on how to go about this business. I had discussed with Hj Naza on my concerns in regards to day-to-day running of the business. This include, establishing a new Sdn Bhd company, agreement on partnership and model of the business. All these sound heavy, ain't it?

In regards to company names, Hj Naza has made a suggestion that the company to be named that reflect Islamic values. Err.. I feel it is so typical, not that catchy and does not transcend international border. Maybe I am right or wrong but why not something natural and meaningful? Yeah, it sounds easy but actually until today I have not decided the name yet!.. haha

And just for fun, I wrote down in my Excel file... 

M&N Biotech Lab Sdn Bhd                          
Plant Biotech Lab Sdn Bhd                           
Green Biotech Lab Sdn Bhd                        
Agro Biotech Lab Sdn Bhd                           
M&N Orchid Lab and Nursery Sdn Bhd                                                  
M&N Biotech Sdn Bhd                                                                                  
Premier Agro Biotech Sdn Bhd                                                  
M&N Orchid Lab Sdn Bhd                                                            
Agri-Lab Sdn Bhd                                                             
M&N Flori-Biotech Lab sdn bhd                                                  
Agro Tissue Culture Lab Sdn Bhd                              
Premier Agro-Lab Sdn Bhd                          
Agro Biotech and Landscaping Sdn Bhd                 
Premier Biotech and Landscaping Sdn Bhd

Aaah! All sound crap!.. I need timeeeee.... 


One might wonder 'why a Sdn Bhd company?' I want to start fresh, new account, new book because it is easy to maintain. Kama Nursery is already there for years and yes it has its own customers. But it has no sentimental value to me. Furthermore, the focus of Kama Nursery and the new company will be different although both will compliment each other until perhaps a day where one may overtake the other.  

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Is My Planning On Track?

Actually, things do not really go as planned. I expected the renovation and equipment to be ready by February and operation of the lab to commence by March. Now, it is already mid of March and equipment i.e. LAF and autoclave will be sent by end of March. This means lab works can only start in April. I am a bit worried...

Two major reasons why I am concerned about this!

1. Loan payment has started this month - RM1,200/-
2. Selling of flasks can only start roughly 6 months onwards

Thus, revenue generation will start some time in August/September where expenses will incur every month starting April. Hmm.. what should I do to survive within these six months?

Monday, March 12, 2012

Electrical Wiring Completed!

Yes! The wiring work has completed today. Jo called me asking the remaining payment for his work. I told him that i would be at Hj Naza's house at about 10.30 pm. I arrived at Hj Naza's house and inspected the work. Alhamdulillah, the work is satisfactory. Jo arrived a bit later and we had had a chit chat about his work. I paid the remaining balance of RM500 and he was very happy!

'JELAS'.. means fully paid

 Let see what he has fixed for this work;

DB plate for future dedicated meter
2 plug points, 1fluorescent light and 1 switch at the main entrance + old fan
1 plug point for refrigerator
1 switch box for safety
4 plug points for each row of the shelf (later will add timer)
This is how it looks like
A total of 16 fluorescent lights
3 plug points and the one on top right is for air conditioner
1 plug points and 1 fluorescent light

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Bekelah Waterfall.. Nothing Beats It!

I have been to Bekelah since 1995. It is like an annual trip. To me, it is the best waterfall - fullstop - :)
We went on a weekend escapade - Haris, Faiz and Musa. There are 'permanent' orchids that I will always see at this place.

the best pool for swimming.. you've to overcome your fear!
upper part of the waterfall

Friday, March 9, 2012

Laminar Air Flow Ordered!

Finally... the LAF has been ordered today. I went to ERLA office at Seri Kembangan after Jumaat prayer to pay the deposit. One of the staff took care of the payment and issued the receipt.

H - 'Can't you make it fast? 2 weeks rather than 3?'
L - 'No, cannot. Minimum 3 weeks'.

Hmm... just wait! But what's next?

Receipt for the 50% deposit

Some More Cash Please...

Hmm.. Jo called me for some cash to finish the work. Duuh...doesn't he know that I 'will or supposedly' pay the full amount once the job is completed? I guess RM500 is enough and the balance I shall pay when it's completed.

2nd progress payment

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Finally Got It but Not the One I Expected...

Bila la Mikhail nak bagi quotation ni! I have been asking everyday. Yesterday, he told me that the autoclave price is about RM12,000! BUT WHERE'S THE QUOTATION! Grrr... I am so angry la like this! Dah la made in Taiwan. I hope it is reliable, if not siap la ERLA!

Today's evening (5.33 pm), he said it has been emailed. Mana ada in my inbox!  


Hah, just got it at 5.50 pm! Again... only the LAF. So the total cost is RM8,345.00. Where shall I sign to confirm this?

RM8,345.. hmm just pay aje lah!
I called Mikhail again this evening and asked him if it's ok if I transfer the money tonight. He said no and asked me to drop by at the office to make the payment on spot. That way, he can ask the manufacturing guy to proceed right away. Alright, the 50% deposit comes to about RM4,172.50. Hopefully they'll process it by tomorrow and I shall receive it in 3-week time, inshaallah

The rest of the items he said are ex-stock and can be arranged within these 3 weeks, so not to worry! I hope so...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Wiring Work in Progress

Jo came yesterday morning  and started working on the wiring thing. Fortunately I was there and able to guide him on few things i.e location of the plug points and switches. I guess he will be able to finish the work in a day except connecting from the house to the lab.

This is the result of his half-day work. Can't he really focus and finish it in a day? Ahh.. I don't like to complain but this is what a typical Malay guy's work!

For the fluorescent lighting
Perhaps it will complete on Monday
Oh yes... I called Mikhail to ask the position of the plug from the LAF but he didn't answer at all. Fortunately, Hajar gave me one of ERLA staff and answered my questions.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Finalizing Electrical Wiring Contractor

After doing some calculation, I guess Jo's offer is better. By the way, Hj Naza knows him and easy to deal if anything happens.

We met Jo tonight and agreed to appoint him to fix the electrical wiring. Total cost is RM2,000 and he will get it done within 2 days. I paid the deposit of RM1,000 and there it goes! I hope things will go as planned.

1st payment for work to start!
* Transfer RM3,600 to Bapak Afton for orchid plants.