Sunday, April 29, 2012

Finally It was Delivered!

The LAF and autoclave are here already! Mikail sent them both on Saturday around 2.30 pm. but they need to calibrate the LAF next week on Saturday.

Laminar Air Flow - RM9k
Autoclave - RM14k

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Delivery of LAF & Autoclave

Mikail called me and confirmed that delivery will be made tomorrow - Friday 27 April after lunch. I hope it will go well and tonite I informed Hj Naza to clean up the front door and inside the lab. Mikail quoted me RM500 for the stand. Wow! That's cheap...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

First Meeting of 'Future' Directors

Hj Naza called me to come to his house tonite. He got 2 things to discus in regards to project at Johor and also at Seremban. I went there at 10.30 pm and asked him to call his daughter to join us too. We had a brief meeting and discus on how to go about the projects.

1- Johor project - to supply plants only
2- MPS project - to meet the officer and propose for full consultancy i.e. landscape and softscape + maintenance 

I also asked Angah to prepare few things for the office - files for filing purposes, bookkeeping, labeling of items and also some homework for her. She seems quite and not talkative. This is something need to be changed.

I hope Hj Naza will have a fruitful meeting with Johor rep next week.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Purchase Equipment for Lab @ Seremban

This evening I went out w Hj Naza to purchase basic lab items at Seremban. We bought agar, oven (for sterilization), stove, pastic bags etc. Also dropped by at the electrical shop to check on air conditioner. I guess Panasonic would be good (compare to acson vs york vs mitsubishi). Total cost = RM1100 inclusive installation.

*I haven't count the bill yet and I should have opened a bookkeeping. Will do it later.

Later tonite 11 pm, I called Mikhail to ask about the LAF. He said delivery will be on Wednesday next week. So I am planning to go to his office on Tuesday to pay the remaining deposit for LAF and full payment for  autoclave. The autoclave costs about RM13k. Huh.. 13k+8=21k already! Wow.. If I can't make money out of it I better think hard..

Reminds me of old way baking cookies...

Monday, April 9, 2012

Cruise along Kinabatangan River

It was actually a short boat trip during my stop at Kinabatangan with Lan. We went along the main river before entering the tributary river. There were few types of orchids growing along the river.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Our First Official Employee!

Guess who's our first employee? It was no other than Hj Naza's daughter. I can't remember her name. But she will officially start working on 2 April 2012. What she will do basically is to clean up the equipment, flasks and later on to learn from Hj on media preparation and flasking works. I agreed to pay her RM600 per month and she will work 8 hours per day minus lunch hour.

Hope she will learn faster and be a good worker.. hahahaha!

Things to do;
1. Offer letter
2. Log book

Monday, April 2, 2012

As What I've Suspected...

Hajar called me this morning to verify on the order (you can see my comments on the previous quotation). I asked her about the price and the quantity of each item as well as the details of the materials. I was satisfied with her answer and asked her to resent a new quotation before I make the confirmation today.

1.00 pm  - 'CT will send new quotation.. coz that one is wrong. Sorry!'

Yeah, that's what I thought... :(

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Quotation for Lab Equipment and Chemical

I just got the quotation yesterday. It seems everything is there. I will check with  Hj Naza for the final list. But I think the company has made a mistake on the quantity and the total price for some items. Check it out!

Lab tools 1
Lab tools 2